He gives Okonkwo a plot of land on which to farm and build a compound for his family. Success See Charm for more details about selecting babies. By clicking on this want, your couple will visit the 'Love Shack' and try for a baby. Once your villagers are married, they will want to have a baby. Obierika stores Okonkwo's yams in his barn and wonders about the old traditions of the Igbo culture.Okonkwo is welcomed to Mbanta by his maternal uncle, Uchendu, a village elder. A pregnant villager Pregnancy is a life event that ensures your village will continue. After they depart Umuofia, a group of village men destroy Okonkwo's compound and kill his animals to cleanse the village of Okonkwo's sin. The family moves to Okonkwo's mother's native village, Mbanta. During the large funeral, Okonkwo's gun goes off, and Ezeudu's sixteen-year-old son is killed accidentally.Because the accidental killing of a clansman is a crime against the earth goddess, Okonkwo and his family must be exiled from Umuofia for seven years. Ezeudu was an important leader in the village and achieved three titles of the clan's four, a rare accomplishment. The next morning, Chielo takes Ezinma to Ekwefi's hut and puts her to bed.When Ogbuefi Ezeudu dies, Okonkwo worries because the last time that Ezeudu visited him was when he warned Okonkwo against participating in the killing of Ikemefuna. He tells Okonkwo not to partake in the murder, but Okonkwo doesn't listen.

The Oracle says that Ikemefuna must be killed as part of the retribution for the Umuofian woman killed three years earlier in Mbaino. Later, he severely beats and shoots a gun at his second wife, Ekwefi, because she took leaves from his banana plant to wrap food for the Feast of the New Yam.After the coming of the locusts, Ogbuefi Ezeuder, the oldest man in the village, relays to Okonkwo a message from the Oracle. He violates the Week of Peace when he beats his youngest wife, Ojiugo, because she went to braid her hair at a friend's house and forgot to prepare the afternoon meal and feed her children. Ikemefuna befriends Okonkwo's son, Nwoye, and Okonkwo becomes inwardly fond of the boy.Over the years, Okonkwo becomes an extremely volatile man he is apt to explode at the slightest provocation.

He resolves to overcome the shame that he feels as a result of his father's weaknesses by being what he considers to be 'manly' therefore, he dominates his wives and children by being insensitive and controlling.Because Okonkwo is a leader of his community, he is asked to care for a young boy named Ikemefuna, who is given to the village as a peace offering by neighboring Mbaino to avoid war with Umuofia.